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We are happy to announce that Other Countries: Contemporary Poets Rewiring History is now officially launched.

Many thanks to everyone who came to our London launch at the Star of Kings, here are a few pictures from the night (L to R: poets Rebecca Goss, Tim Wells and Jess Traynor):






The anthology features poems by James Brookes, Matt Bryden, Karen Jane Cannon, David Clarke, Ross Cogan, Alex Dally MacFarlane, Sasha Dugdale, Martín Espada, Rebecca Goss, Hel Gurney, Linn Hansén, Emily Hasler, Sarah Hesketh, Holly Hopkins, Kirsten Irving, Jemma L. King, Rose Lemberg, Robin Lim, Éireann Lorsung, Hannah Lowe, Susan Mackervoy, Harry Man, Dawn Manning, Richie McCaffery, John McCullough, Michael McKimm, Lynn Pedersen, Shelley Puhak, Lesley Quayle, Lou Sarabadzic, Penelope Shuttle, Maria Stepanova, Chloe Stopa-Hunt, Diana Norma Szokolyai, Rebecca Tamás, Jeffrey Thomson, Jessica Traynor, Tim Wells, Elżbieta Wójcik-Leese, and Cecilia Woloch.


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See what others have said about it:


What makes this anthology different is that previous attempts at “rewiring history” in poetry have tended to have a class, ethnic or gendered agenda, whereas the histories discussed in the poems here don’t all do that.' Anna Robinson, London Grip


'There are many fine poets represented in this book: Hannah Lowe, Rebecca Goss, Holly Hopkins and Sarah Hesketh, among others. [...] Tim Wells’ witty ‘A Jar for Pickles’ is titled with an epic pun. In ‘The Crescent of Hearing’, James Brookes carries the ghost of Hill into this book also, and performs a genuine time-travel trick worthy of Steve Ely. Emily Hasler’s poem, ‘Notes: A Monumental Brass’, doesn’t proselytise: it asks. Formed entirely of footnotes, relating to the position (and relationships) of women, it necessarily skirts round an unseen text. We can (it posits) see a bit; we can ask; but we can’t know. We weren’t there. This poem enacts that not-knowing which is all we really have. Even as footnotes in a poem, its people feel authentic and their lives lived', Katy Evans-Bush, Magma


'For even the blitz to have become a liberating space for those for whom ‘The horrors of peace are many’ serves to illustrate just how effective Trévien and Prior have been in their quest to rewire history and, if you haven’t encountered it yet, give their poets the chance to challenge a few of your assumptions about the world. You’ll be the richer for it.' - John Field


'breathtakingly beautiful' - Bethany W. Pope, Bare Fiction


'full of strange footnotes and bizarre happenings' Greg Freeman, Write Out Loud


'There are poems about borders, colonisation, immigration,  little known about  massacres,  a Facebook like timeline of Earth, a tale of a 17th century trans woman, and a plucky  poem about Pickles the dog that found the world cup after it had been stolen placed perfectly in the book giving me something to smile about.' - Andie Berryman

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Other Countries: Contemporary Poets Rewiring History can now be purchased directly from this website, or through Inpress.  

30% off! Now £6.99 inc. P&P

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